The Black Dog Institute was named the 2020 Elastic Search Awards’ winner under the Cause Award category within the Asia Pacific Japan (APJ) region.

Elastic was used by the Black Dog Institute’s InSTIL platform to predict the onset of mental illness in young people with data sent from volunteers’ cell phones and stored in Elasticsearch. 

InSTIL (Intelligent Sensing To Inform and Learn) is a digital phenotyping and intervention platform that is intended to be scalable for coordinating research studies that involve ‘digital phenotyping’ and/or the evaluation of digital interventions delivered using consumer devices such as smartphones.

Digital phenotyping describes the use of data gathered using consumer devices using sensors, activity data, analytics and user-generated content for health purposes, such as disease prediction.

The Black Dog Institute collaborated with the ARC Hub for Digital Enhanced Living and the Applied Artificial Intelligence Institute (A²I²) for the development of the platform.

The Hub congratulates the Black Dog Institute, A²I², all researchers and developers for the fantastic collaborative work on InSTIL.

Further information on the award can be viewed in the video link below (from start to 2:45m mark):



All images and links are reproduced from Elastic’s website.