The ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hub for Digital Enhanced Living delivered an online professional development workshop for PhD students and researchers.

Roopak Sinha is an Associate Professor in The School of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences at The Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, and is also a Partner Investigator of the Hub. He has previously held research positions at The University of Auckland, New Zealand and INRIA, France.
His research interest is “Systematic, Standards-First Design of Complex, Next-Generation Embedded Software” applied to domains like Internet-of-Things, Edge Computing, Cyber-Physical Systems, Home and Industrial Automation, and Intelligent Transportation Systems. He has served on several international standardisation projects, and works with several New Zealand companies to systematically reduce standards-compliance costs in IoT/embedded products.
In this interactive professional development workshop aimed at PhD students, the focus was on the skills that goes into completing high quality research projects and towards satisfying post-PhD careers. A PhD provides a unique opportunity to develop these skills, which range from academic writing to time-/self- management.
The online workshop was well attended with participants from Australia and New Zealand, and a number of positive interactions were observed throughout. The post-event survey revealed that 92% of respondents were extremely satisfied with the event and that Zoom, in this case, has worked out well for this purpose.
The Hub is thankful to Associate Professor Sinha for giving up time from his busy schedule and is also appreciative of his contribution to this Hub activity. We will continue to seek other opportunities for our members and the community to promote the technology research and translational themes of the Hub.