The ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hub for Digital Enhanced Living congratulates Alfred Deakin Professor Michael Berk on being awarded Victoria’s highest scientific honour, the 2019 Victoria Prize for Science and Innovation (Life Sciences).

Professor Berk has been awarded the 2019 Victoria Prize in recognition of his research and discovery of risk factors, novel therapies, and preventative treatments for mental health problems. Despite the rising prevalence and growing burden of a range of psychiatric disorders, there is a startling lack of new treatments. There is an urgent need for new medications, interventions, and preventative measures to improve the lives of people with psychiatric disorders.

Further information on Professor Berk’s latest accolade can be found in the media releases below.

Veski Media Release
Deakin Media Release

Alfred Deakin Professor Michael Berk | 2019 Victoria Prize for Life Sciences awardee and Chief Investigator of the ARC Research Hub for Digital Enhanced Living.